In November 2020, the GARTEUR AWARDS for research in the 2018-19 period was awarded, granted by the GARTEUR organization to the AG52 Aerodynamics Action Group.
The research focuses on the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to improve the aerodynamic design process of aeronautical configurations.
It is a multidisciplinary line of research that involves aspects of aerodynamics and data science with a view to reducing the high computational cost of the aerodynamic design process with traditional methods.
The research also aims to reach unconventional forms of aircraft, since conventional forms appear to be close to reaching their optimal limit.

In November 2020, the GARTEUR AWARDS for research in the 2018-19 period was awarded, granted by the GARTEUR organization to the AG52 Aerodynamics Action Group.
Download: the AG52 & EG77 overview to GARTEUR Council presentation