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The event

In 2023 GARTEUR celebrates its 50th birthday: in the Council meeting held in November 2021, it was decided to organise a special event, in conjunction with the Fall Council meeting in 2023, to prepare the future of GARTEUR and to attract people to prepare the future all together. This special event, that will last two days, will join in one place researchers, scientists, managers of the GARTEUR community and other stakeholders that will chart the future of Aeronautical Research in Europe!

The main aim of the event consists in spreading across Europe the awareness on GARTEUR and preparing the future of research in aeronautics in Europe. In order to pursue this objective, the event has an agenda customised for this target. There will be presentations given by GARTEUR researchers chosen by each Group of Responsables and, at least, two keynote speakers that will give presentations about the most relevant technologies resulting from GARTEUR studies and a very trendy topic in the research world at the moment.

Both presentations will push further GARTEUR knowledge across Europe but have a different aim: the first one in needed to give GARTEUR strong roots in the past whereas the second one provides the GARTEUR community a solid topic with which to demonstrate how GARTEUR can contribute to advance aeronautics developments in the future.