In November 2022, the GARTEUR AWARD for research was delivered to the Action Group AD-AG55.
The research focused on the study of movements of countermeasure objects, chaff and flares, ejected from generic aerial platforms. The main objective was the evaluation of computational methods predicting movement of counter-measure objects. The project increased the understanding of simulation of chaff and flare trajectory movements.
The Action Group was made up by researchers coming from Spain, France, The Netherlands and Sweden. The chairman of the Action Group is Swedish.
The award was actually granted, by the GARTEUR organization, to the Action Group in November 2021 but, due to the COVID19 crisis that did not allow to have meetings in person, it was possible to deliver the award only one year later.

The Head of the Dutch delegation, Rian de Rooij, delivers the award to the Head of the Swedish delegation, Rickard Stridh
The official ceremony of delivering the award was held during the 73rd Council meeting, organised in Braunschweig, on the 9th and 10th of November, 2022.