On the 5th of October 2023, the 75th GARTEUR Council meeting was held at the Italian Air Force Academy in Pozzuoli, Italy. Due to the rush hour, the Council chairman had to arrive using his personal means of transport!
Participants in the Council meeting were enthustiatic of the amazing landscape that could be seen from the terrace adjacent to the meeting room.
The meeting started with the warm welcome given by Maj. Gen. Luigi Casali, Commander of the Italian Air Force Academy. He also reminded to the participants the centennial of the Italian Air Force in 2023.
The meeting was unusually shortened due to the starting of the event, celebrating the 50th anniversary of GARTEUR, in the late morning of the same day. In fact, scientific sessions were moved to the afternoon of the 5th of October during the event. This time, the meeting was mainly devoted to the discussion of some administrative issues and to the introduction of the two-day event.
All the participants were looking forward to seeing the event start!

The location of the GARTEUR event: auditorium of the Italian Air Force Academy